Empowering Growth: How a Leading Avocado Producer Revolutionized Operations with a New ERP System

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A New ERP For An Avocado Business


In the dynamic world of global fruit production, staying ahead means embracing technological advances. For the world’s leading fresh Hass avocado producer, grappling with rapid growth and outdated systems prompted a strategic transformation, guided expertly by Zinata.

The Highlights

Facing significant operational challenges, the avocado giant sought to overhaul its siloed operations, which were being held back by an antiquated information system. Zinata’s intervention began with comprehensive workshops to align the corporate vision, meticulously identifying gaps and envisioning a streamlined future. This collaborative approach not only clarified the company’s strategic direction but also laid the groundwork for implementing a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Through these efforts, mid-level managers were equipped to foster cross-functional teamwork and drive sustainable change across the organization.

The Headlines

CEO Quote: “Zinata is extremely responsive. They’ve done a tremendous job so far and have given us the tools and the confidence that we can get this done. They’ve followed through on every commitment.”

Detailed Analysis


The top global producer of fresh Hass avocados was struggling to keep pace with global demand due to an outdated information system that created bottlenecks and inefficiencies.


  • The existing information system was outdated.
  • A lack of clear corporate and functional vision for the future.
  • Siloed operations that hindered collaboration and operational efficiency.
  • General dissatisfaction with the current system, impeding progress.


Zinata adopted a holistic approach, emphasizing the critical importance of a clearly articulated future vision. They conducted targeted workshops with executive and functional leadership teams to uncover current gaps and harness dissatisfaction as a catalyst for change. Using an input-process-output model, they helped the client document work processes at the functional level. This effort brought functional representatives together to create a current state map and then redesign it for the future, fostering a strong appreciation for the broader business process and its implications.


  • A new corporate strategy was effectively communicated throughout the organization.
  • A clear roadmap was established for implementing the new ERP system.
  • Mid-level managers were empowered to lead and sustain change, enhancing cross-functional collaboration and efficiency.


The strategic introduction of a new ERP system in the avocado industry exemplifies how technology can revolutionize operations, even in traditional sectors like agriculture. By aligning corporate visions, documenting processes, and empowering managers, the company not only prepared itself to meet the demands of global expansion but also positioned itself as a leader in operational efficiency. This transformation highlights the critical role of integrated systems in scaling operations and meeting market demands efficiently and effectively.


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White Paper: Accelerating Manufacturing Cycle Times by Zinata Inc.

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