Empowering Efficiency: How Optimized Scheduling Transforms Food Manufacturing

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Scheduling Solutions For Success

The Highlights

Zinata provided crucial support to a major food manufacturer struggling with cost and production inefficiencies. By fostering shared responsibility and leveraging plant expertise, Zinata introduced effective scheduling tools and encouraged knowledge sharing. This approach boosted efficiency and morale, leading to significant operational improvements: reduced changeover times, fewer feed system swaps, decreased overtime, and an increase in production volume, all achieved with fewer production hours. The strategy emphasized a thorough analysis of current practices, the preservation of successful methods, and the introduction of necessary enhancements, building a framework of trust and self-management among clients.

The Headlines

  • 35% Reduction in Overtime: Substantial decrease in extra working hours.
  • 200 Changeovers Reduced: Major efficiencies gained in line setups.
  • 6% Annual Volume Increase: Higher output with less input.

The Details


A leading food product manufacturer, committed to quality, innovation, and customer service, faced pressing challenges with a high cost structure and frequent production disruptions, which impeded expected growth. Current operating practices were not aligned with strategic goals.


The manufacturer struggled with a high cost structure exacerbated by frequent production disruptions. The scheduling process was limited by the capabilities of only a few individuals, leading to poor utilization of the broader plant skill set and a lack of scheduling efficiency and knowledge sharing.


Zinata facilitated a significant shift by promoting shared responsibility and making better use of existing plant expertise. The introduction of Zinata Product Wheels and Phenix software revolutionized scheduling, enabling staff to concentrate on critical tasks. This, coupled with enhanced knowledge sharing, improved preparedness and morale across shifts, boosting productivity and customer satisfaction. Zinata’s approach included a thorough analysis before implementing solutions, maintaining successful practices while making necessary improvements. The consultants built trust and credibility, empowering clients to independently manage their success.


The introduction of new scheduling tools and strategies led to a reduction of major line changeovers by 200, and minor changeovers were halved. Feed system swaps decreased dramatically from weekly occurrences to just yearly. The company experienced a 35% reduction in overtime and a 67% drop in Saturday operations. Moreover, there was a 6% increase in volume, despite a 2% reduction in production hours.


Implementing strategic scheduling solutions in the manufacturing sector not only optimizes production but also fosters a culture of efficiency and empowerment. Zinata’s case with a major food manufacturer illustrates how integrating sophisticated tools with employee expertise can transform operational challenges into growth opportunities. This approach not only improves immediate production metrics but also builds a sustainable model for continuous improvement and success in the competitive food manufacturing industry.


Long Manufacturing Cycle Times are Killing Your Business!

Reducing production cycle time may not be a key performance indicator of your business today, but it should be. This single measure will transform your supply organization into a customer-centric ecosystem, allowing each function to collaborate to serve your customers.

Meet the Zinata Collective

Our mission is to enable businesses to thrive in a world of supply chain volatility by empowering people and reimagining processes.

White Paper: Accelerating Manufacturing Cycle Times by Zinata Inc.

Download our White Paper to learn how to accelerate your manufacturing cycle times!

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